Censorship In Australia
We at Erotica for Women Australia want to bring your attention to the ridiculous amount of censorship that exists in this country, particularly against sexually explicit material.
It's insane that in 2011 it's still illegal to sell X-rated videos in the states. Especially since almost any kind of adult material can easily be found online - although only if it's hosted overseas. It's actually illegal to host an adult site on an Australian server. That's why this site is hosted overseas, even though it's really very tame.
If you're not sure about the extreme state of censorship in this country, check out the Wikipedia entry about our "classification" system. Why is it that violence is deemed acceptable but explicit sex is not? How can we allow other people to make decisions about what the Australian people can watch? What makes the people at the OFLC so morally superior to the rest of us that they can watch some films but the rest of us can't?
Worse still, the Labor government is now proposing to censor the internet via a MANDATORY filter imposed on ISPs. Announced under the guise of child protection, this plan is actually about restricting what you as an adult can see in the privacy of your own home.
Religious lobby groups are pushing the filter despite the fact that MOST AUSTRALIANS OPPOSE IT. Surveys have found that over 70% of people think X-rated DVDs should be legal and most believe that porn isn't harmful in any way.
Australia does not have a bill of rights and thus there is no guarantee of freedom of speech. The government can easily decide what you as an adult are allowed to see. The nanny state is alive and well.
If you want to protest censorship in this country, please write to your local member or visit these sites for more information.
Electronic Frontiers Australia
Somebody Think Of The Children blog
Refused Classification Database
The Chopping List - banned films
NetAlarmed - satire
Please also consider supporting The Australian Sex Party. Standing up for civil rights in Australia
